Nehawu’s Bongani Mzolo said the unions gave the departments time to assess recommended buildings and decide if they could be used as alternatives.

“This time we are positive that the departments can finally move until this building in the CBD is properly fixed.

“Motsoaledi told Nxesi that his department was a tenant in the problematic building. He said he should be focused on health issues than finding and fixing buildings.

“We are happy Motsoaledi seems to be on our side and we believe it is time this problem is resolved. We also want the departments to institute a forensic audit and investigate possible corruption that could have taken place between 2004 and 2010 when the building was first renovated.

“How could a building that was vacated to be renovated still have so many problems? We want answers,” said Mzolo. Public Servants Association general manager Ivan Fredericks said it was important that the problem was resolved amicably because the building’s poor ventilation and insufficient air-conditioning was not good for the health of staff members.