December time is here, which for many people means family, friends, holiday time and spreading joy and love. This is a great time for you to share your very own festive PRESENCE with your customers.
Do your customers know who you are, where you are, and what you offer?
What you see when you check your online presence is what your customers and patients see. A great attraction for customers when they search for your pharmacy, is having the operating hours, contact details and address up to date, where they are able to click and get directed to YOU, especially at this time of the year.
WeCare offers you, your very own webpage, also updated with your latest information which is also on your Google profile. Included on this webpage is the monthly themed campaigns that you sign up for, which also show up on your Facebook page AND it gets emailed to your customers after selecting the options.
Ask your CSR to show you how or assist in changing your business details online, and how to upload images to create awareness online or on Facebook/Social Media.
Remember, we are here to help you where you might have a blind spot, or are unsure of what your next step is in your Business.
The WeCare Team is a part of your business, bringing you a helping hand or assistance with SHARING YOUR ONLINE PRESENCE.